Interpretation according to the Contrasting meaning of Things

Seeing oneself as weeping will be interpreted as joy and happiness as long as such weeping is not done with sound, screaming or tearing one's collar to pieces as when mourning. One the contrary joy, happiness, merry-making, laughter, dancing etc. will be interpreted as grief and sorrow

Similarly, if two persons are seen fighting in the dream then the one who loses the battle will be the one to gain victory.

Similarly, if a person sees himself being cupped it means he will be compelled to fulfill certain conditions in an agreement or contract. Or if a person sees himself being made to agree on certain conditions, it means he will get cupped. The reason being that in Arabic the word shart (condition) is sometimes used to mean “cupping*”

*Cupping: The use of a cupping glass from which the air has been exhausted, to draw blood to the surface of the skin-Collins).

Entering the Grave

If a person sees himself being admitted or lowered in the grave it means he will be imprisoned. Or if a person sees himself being imprisoned in a place which is unknown to him and the people of such a place are also unknown to him, it means he will enter the grave.

Attack or Assault

If a person sees an enemy attacking or assaulting a group of people, it means a calamity in the form of a storm or flood is imminent.

A Swarm of Locusts

A swarm of locusts is one's dream represents an army. And an army of soldiers represents a swarm of locusts which will cause havoc and destruction.

If a swarm of locusts is seen approaching or flying without buzzing it represents one's wealth which one had accumulated secretly. But if it is with buzzing sound it means enmity and hatred.

Long Hair

Hair is interpreted as wealth and beauty. But if such hair falls upon the face or tufts of hair is seen on the cheek it suggests grief and sorrow. According to some people it could suggest beautiful garments as well..

Hair which is intertwined or folded or wrapped suggests that ill will be spoken of the observer of such a dream and that he will not be able to defend himself.

Feather and Wings

If a person sees himself having feathers and two wings it suggests that he will acquire wealth and riches. If he sees himself flying it means he will undertake a journey.

Severed Hand

If a person sees his hand severed and while lifting such a hand, it remains attached to his body it means he will derive some benefit from his brother or son. But if the severed hand is completely detached it means he will suffer some loss caused by his brother or son.

Illness and Recovery

If a sick person sees himself as having recovered or sees himself as healthy and then leaves his house after conversing (with someone) it means that he will recover. But if he does not speak to anyone it means he will die.

Cities, Towns and Village

Cities, towns and Villages imply that the observer of such a dream will encounter unchaste women if such places are not of multiple colours. And if they are black and white then it suggests day and night – i.e., alternating of day and night and the passing of time.


If a person sees a specific number of fish in his dream it suggests that he will come into contact with a woman or he will marry a woman.. But if its number or quantity is unknown it means he will acquire wealth or booty.


Interpretation According to the Varying Conditions of people

If a righteous and noble person sees himself as handcuffed or placed in a pillory* It means he will remain safeguarded against mischief and wickedness. But if the observer of such a dream is wicked it suggests that he will commit excessive sins due to which he will be doomed to hell-fire May Allah, through His infinite mercy, save us from hell-fire, Ameen.

(*Pillory: a wooden board with holes for the head and hands in which petty offenders were formerly locked and exposed to public scorn).



Interpretation according to Varying Times

If a person dreams during the night that he is mounted on an elephant it suggests that he will profit immensely from a certain affair or contractor task. But if such a dream is observed during the day it means he will divorce his wife.


Times in which Dreams are Most Potent

It must be borne in mind that the most authentic dreams are the ones observed in the latter part of the night and during Qayloolah (sleeping at midday ) and during the day. Dreams during the fruit-ripening season and fruit-selling season are also very potent. The most inopportune time wherein dreams hardly have any significant meaning is during the winter season and when rain is imminent.


Facts to be Taken into Consideration before a Mu'abbir Interprets a Dream

It is imperative that the mu'abbir or interpreter understands fully and properly every details of a dream seen by any person. He should be able to weigh it on the scale of the rules of interpretation. If the numerous facts emerging from a dream are such that they correspond with each other logically then such a dream will be deemed as a genuine and authentic dream. But if the facts emerging from such a dream are such that they do not correspond with each other then the interpreter should reflect on the apparent meaning of the words. Whichever meaning is nearest to the rules of interpretation, such a meaning should be adopted

If a dream is of a complicated nature so that if cannot be weighed on the scale of the rules of interpretation then such a dream will be deemed as meaningless.

If a certain dream causes the interpreter to become dubious then he should appeal to the conscience of the observer of such a dream: If the dream concerns Salaah, he should question him about Sallah; if it concerns a journey he should question him about the journey; if it concerns marriage, he should question him about marriage. Thereafter, the mu'abbir will interpret to the best of his knowledge

The interpreter should be extremely cautious when interpreting a dream: If the dream evidences obscenity and indecency he should either use pleasant words when interpreting it or simply avoid interpreting it.

It is necessary for a mu'abbir to establish the biological and logical classification of thins and give its interpretation accordingly. The biological and logical classification of things can be made as follows : (a) geneses (b) species (c) nature and characteristics.

Examples of Geneses of Thing

Trees, Voracious animals and birds. If these are seen in ones dream (individually or collectively) they may very likely mean men.

Example of Species

A specific tree like the date tree or a walnut tree. The date tree may be interpreted as an honorable Arab gentleman since date trees are mainly indigenous to arab countries. As for the walnut tree, it represents a non-Arab person since these trees do not grow in the land of the Arabs.

The same applies to birds. If a bird is huge it symbolizes an Arab gentleman; a peacock represents a non-Arab gentleman.

Examples of the Nature and Characteristics of Things

A date tree. This may be interpreted as total goodness and virtue since the date tree is regarded as a tree constituting total goodness as is known from the hadeeth. One the other hand a walnut tree may be interpreted as a person who is deceptive as well as quarrelsome. Why? Because it is by nature very hard and its core cannot be attained until broken or split open.

The nature of birds is to fly. Therefore, the one towards whom a bird is associated may be said to be traveling very often and widely.

A peacock may be interpreted as a wealthy non-Arab king who adopts much embellishments and who has many followers. The same applies to a royal white falcon or eagle. But if it is a crow or a magpie, it represents an evil person.

As shown in the above examples, the Mu'abbir should be able to drawn analogies before interpreting a dream. If he does so, he will be rightly-guide, by the will of Allah.

And Guidance is from Allah alone.