
~ ...................... ~ ................................................ ~ 1'~ ~ • As in this booklet we are discus.sing only the sunnats • (which include the mustahabs) therefore we have i omitted the faraid wajibaat for which other kitaabs f should be consulted . • t I • • • t • i t 1. t I 2. 13. • 4. i • ** It shou·ld be borne in mind that namaaz read contrary to fie sunnat, even if it is with extreme humility, is useless and of no value . SUNNATS PERTAINING TO AZAAN, IQAAMAT & THE MUAZZIN The Muazzin should be a pious, mature Muslim male who is knowledgeable in the Laws of Shariah. (FATAWA HINDIYA) The Muazzin should have a loud voice. (MISHKAAT) The Azaan must be called from a high place. (FAiAWA HINDYA) The Muazzin should stand while making the 1 call of Azaan. (BEHISHTI ZEWAR) i i 5. The Muazzin should clog his ears with his I t fingers (whilst making the call). t (FATAWA HINDIYA) ~ ............·--···. .,.,__.,,........................ ...............:J ------<A>------