
~ . ~ ~ ... ··•········ ..... ............ •·•···· .····-··· ... ··········~ f AL LAH HUM MA ROB BA HAA DHI HID DA' WA TIT TAM i MA TI WAS SWA LAA TIL QAA I MA TI NIL WA SEE LA TA t WAL FA DWHEE LA TA WAD DA RA JA TAR RA FEE 'AH I WAB 'ATH HU MU QAA MAM MAH MOO DA NIL LA THEE . WA 'AT TAH WAR ZUQ NAA SHA FAA 'A TA HU YAU MAL i QI YAA MAH IN NA KA LAA TUKH LI FAL MEE 'AAD i O! Allah ( ~~J.?- ), Rabb of this perfect call and of the prayer which is established for all time, grant Muhammad ( ~j~~iu1~ J the 'Wasila' and excellency and raise him up in a praiseworthy position which You have promised indeed you never break the promise I (BUKHARI) 5.12 Duas are accepted between azaan and takbeer. (TIRMIZI) 5.13 The two rakaats sunnat before the farz of Fajr is better than this whole world and what it contains. (TIRMIZI) i 5.14 As far as possible to sit in the first 'saf' (row), immediately behind the imam or to the right or left. If place is not available in the first • row then the second, then the third and so -----0------