
r ··········............................................................... ~~~ ~ ~ the food is provided through an irwitation for the intention of meeting some religious need then the • f reward will be in proportion to the nature and degree f f of the good in view. If, however, there is no special Ii f religio~s in~~rest, the extent of reward for f~eding f · someone w1.1 depend on the degree of the piety of J the invitee (guest). (Adapted from Fazaile - Sadaqaat • - By Shiek-ul-Hadith Moulana Zakaria (A.R.). f S.2. Special meals should be prepared for the f first day. (BUKHARI) S.3. A guest may be entertained and shown hospitality for a period of three days. Beyond the three day period would be charity. i (BUKHARI) • S.4. A guest should not inconvenience his host by overstaying. (BUKHARI) S.S. A person who does not accept an invitation has/ disobey~d Allah ( ~~~ ) and his Rasul ( ;J.::..j~~:&,J;, ) unless non-acceptance is within the ambit of Shariat: (ABU DAWOOD) L--•············----~·········-·..J ~ --------<@>--------