
~ ................................................................................................ ~ 1~ ~~" , · i.e. Allah suffices for him during his life, after • f his death and jannat shall be his abode (place i • • f of staying). f • • • h • f S. 7. One s ould greet loudly enough for the one f i (for whom the greeting is intended) to hear ! f it . (IBID) : t • i 5.8. _ If a third person's greetings are conveyed to i It'. one, then it should be answered in the • following manner:- f f t f i i WA 1 LAY KA WA 1 LAY HIS SALAAM t "Peace be upon you and him" (ABU DAWOOD) s. Our Nabi ( ~.,~:&1j..;, ) has said that the perfect way for one to greet is to shake hands. (MISHKAAT) 5.10. Whilst shaking hands the following be read:- l l .......... :~~ ~f.:~~.:~~.. ········J --------------<§>>----------