
~ ~~~~~~ ............... ~~~~~ .... ~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~ ............~~~'l, ~ ~, S. 7. The leader of the group is one who serves • I the group. . . . . (BAIHAQI) j S.8. Before setting out on a journey one should i meet one's friends and relatives who should { make dua for him in the following words: - l US TOW DE !d.L LAW HA DEE NA KA WA A MAA NA TA KA WA KHAW WAA TEE MA ~MA LIKA. "I hand over to Allah ( ~~~ ) your deen, your trustworthiness and your end result". and he (the traveller) should reply with the following dua :- US TOW DE 00 KU MOEL LAW HUL LAZ"EE LAATU DHEE 00 WA DAA E 00 HU. i l::~:.::~:.:~:.~~?~:=:.~.:.~.:.:~:~t~ ~~ -----------<<@>------------'---