
y-................................_ ................- .............._ ..__ ~~ • VIRTUES OF • ' . f SURA FALAQ AND UN-NAAS i • • i ~ ~ t • 1. Rasulullah ( ;i:.,j~~~,~ ) used to seek the I f protection of Allah (~~~) from the evil of i • • i jinn and man using various words and f • expressions until these 2 suras were revealed f l• - after which he only recited these suras for ff such purpose (of protection). i 2. Rasulullah ( ~j 9 ~1~~,j..;, ) has said: "Keep reciting these surahs whenever you sleep and whenever you wake up". f I . .· . . . . I ~~---------··················· --~ ---------~--------- and i "No-one, begging of Allah (;a~~), beseech Him (with greater intensity) than with t like of these surahs, nor has anyone seeki protection of Allah ( ;a~~ ), sought su protection (with greater intensity) than t · like of these surahs."