
y--..----------------------------··--~ • VIRTUES OF SURA YASEEN • t t t t ?i Rasulullah ( ~.,~~:&,j.:, ) has narrated that I : Sura Yaseen is the r,eart of the Qur'aan. "Whosoever reads it solely for the pleasure of Allah ( ~~~ ) and (with the hope of reward in the hereafter) he !1. I : shall most certainly be forgiven and it should be read over the person who is suffering the pangs of death." (to ease the pangs of death). I VIRTUE OF SURA FATAH l t Rasulullah ( ~j~;&,j.:, ) ha~ said: · i "Sura Fatah is more beloved to me than all the ' things on which the sun rises." (i.e. the entire world). I VIRTURE OF SURA MULK t 1. Rasulullah (;\.:,j~;&1j.:,) has said that the thirty verses of Sura Mulk continues to intercede for the reciter until he is forgiven (of his sins).