
~ ........ ~ .. ~ ............................................ ~ ................... ~ ,~ ~'\ I VIRTUES OF THE,QUR'AAN* I I 1. Rasulullah ( ;L,_;~:,ji~ ) has said in a I f hadith: f f "Be steadfast in the reading of the Qur'aan 1• , for the Qur'aan shall intercede on behalf of f the reciter on the day of Qiamah." • t t 1 1. In another hadith Rasulullah ( ;L,_;,;i;:.ii~) I has said that Allah ( ii~~ ) has said: • • "Whosoever is prevented from making dua • f t I (supplicatin·g) due to his remaining engaged f ; in the recitation of the Qur'aan (or due to i } his being engaged in its commentary) then f f I shall grant him more than I give to the one f t t i who beseeches and begs of me. • t t f VIRTUES OF SURA BAQARAH f t t f Rasulullah ( ~j;1)~:.&1~ ) has said: f J (i) "Shaitaan flees from that home in which Sura f t Baqarah is recited." (MUSLIM) i I. FOOTNOTE: The virtues mentioned in this chapter have I f •been taken mostly from 'AL-!:!IS NUEL .!:::!.ASEEN:J-By • Allamah Muhammad Al Jazree . ~i. ~ ~..................................................................................... ~ ---------~;,----------