
~ .................................................................................. ~~ -,-~ ~, i or after the Jumuah salaat - according to i • one narration the recitation of sura kahf shall • f attain for one the forgiveness of one's sins i i for the past weel. (ATTARGHEEB) f ♦ ♦ • • • 5.13. To recite durood in abundance. f t ♦ f t • 5.14. In one narration it is reported that the I i recitation of the following durud 80 times t t t J after Asr salaat on Friday before standing up i • from the place of namaaz shall be a means • ♦ ♦ i of 80 years of sins to be forgiven and shall i 1 also merit the sawaab of 80 years of worsh,ip:- j t ~;u:sJ,~\w-\:~~~~;~r t I ,,:, ,,,, ,, I ~ 7 .~~-i~w~:4..ll' . f .,,."'/• _,,,, :_/ I _,,,, i I AL LA w HUM MA SUL LE A~ LAA MU HUf':1 MA DE Nlf'j NA f ! BIYY YIL ur:, MEYY YE WA ~A LAA AA LE HE WA SUL LIM Tus } : LEE MAA. I • ♦ O Allah ! ( ;n~~ J shower blessings on i Muham'!1ad ( ~_;~tu,~ ) the unlettered f Nabi ( ;L.,.,~tu,~ ) and on his family and J i shower mercy (upon them also). J ~ ~ ~ .................................................................................~3 ----------<<@>>----------